
Young person wearing a black hat and lifejacket sits in a kayak facing the mountains and holding a paddle in front of them.
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This blog post was graciously shared with Project Respect and written by the most fabulous Jasper Malchuk Rasmussen, who was last year’s youth employee at PR. Today I went swimming for the first time since I started have the gender feels. It was a free outdoor pool (woah!), and as I was slightly drowning my…

Silver Spork
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Dear Privileged Optional Diet Enthusiasts

Dear Privileged Vegetarians/Vegans/Super food/non-gluten enthusiasts,   It’s me again. Excited? So first off it’s important to recognize that once, I was just like you. But then, I evolved. No I’m just kidding, I wish. But wouldn’t it be great if being a better person was that simple? Instead it starts with reflection and change to…