Welcome to Project Reclaim!
Project Respect is partnering with Beangka Elliott and the Tsartlip community to initiate a youth led land restoration project that will focus on public spaces in Tsartlip. Together Beangka, Graham and myself will work on invasive species removal, garbage removal, native plant restoration, plant identification, plant propagation and native plant harvesting. We will also have the…
What Rooted in Respect has taught me: Addie
So our three-day “Rooted In Respect” summer camp has came and went! It felt surreal when the first day begun because we’ve all dedicated our time planning this event that when the day arrived it felt a bit weird seeing it sprout from ideas that were our own, a good weird though. Before I…
Two spirits, one body: A short narrative of a (short) native queer
It’s true, men and women had and do have traditional roles in Indigenous cultures (if you have a problem with that, remember that the violent patriarchy was a construct of the colonizers). It is also true but not widely known, that before colonization, people who were queer and/or transgender were revered in most Indigenous cultures. There…
This blog post was graciously shared with Project Respect and written by the most fabulous Jasper Malchuk Rasmussen, who was last year’s youth employee at PR. Today I went swimming for the first time since I started have the gender feels. It was a free outdoor pool (woah!), and as I was slightly drowning my…
Dear Privileged Optional Diet Enthusiasts
Dear Privileged Vegetarians/Vegans/Super food/non-gluten enthusiasts, It’s me again. Excited? So first off it’s important to recognize that once, I was just like you. But then, I evolved. No I’m just kidding, I wish. But wouldn’t it be great if being a better person was that simple? Instead it starts with reflection and change to…
All About Your “Beach Bod”
In the hotter months, I like to go to the beach. Not because I’m a strong swimmer (in fact I am a terrible swimmer), but when I do try to go swimming, it can be very uncomfortable. Peeling off my layers of protective clothing, clothing that makes my legs look the way I want, forever…
Respect me like you do (From fifty shades of yay!)
Respect me like you do (From fifty shades of yay!) By Project respect’s Rhizome Youth Social Action Team #TopLeft …
I Am Only Myself
By Kim, age 17 I am only myself, my own person, a completely unique individual. I am nobody’s pawn to play with as they like, nobody’s puppet to control however they choose. I am worthy of respect, love and kindness just for who I am. I do not have to give my body in order…
By Jessie, age 17 The voices harsh and foreign eat away at my being. SLUT, WHORE, BITCH. Why? Why am I being called these names? Is it me? It must be. It’s all my fault. This dialogue burns through my mind. The thought that maybe this is all I am. It feels as though my…
The Power Of Respect
By Laura, age 16 You try and convince me I am nothing, just a worthless ‘thing’ to be toyed with. You label me in order to have control over me, but your words cannot cage me. I will not be beaten down with this torment I do not deserve. I am not yours to treat…
Wake Up Call
By Kristy You said it wouldn’t hurt, But I still feel the pain. You told me I would love it, But how come I didn’t? You told me everyone does it, But why do I feel alone? You said you were just joking, But how come it feels like you aren’t? But things have changed…