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Welcoming to Project Reclaim and Our Summer Staff!
Summer is upon us, and that means that I’m out of the classroom and into summer programming mode! This year Project Respect is partnering with Project Reclaim for our summer programming. We’ll be posting more details about Project Reclaim soon, but for now I would just like to welcome Addie Elliott and Graham Olsen as our…
Dear Privileged Optional Diet Enthusiasts
Dear Privileged Vegetarians/Vegans/Super food/non-gluten enthusiasts, It’s me again. Excited? So first off it’s important to recognize that once, I was just like you. But then, I evolved. No I’m just kidding, I wish. But wouldn’t it be great if being a better person was that simple? Instead it starts with reflection and change to…
Hi I’m Graham.
I am Graham Olsen I will be working with Project Respect and we will be doing multiple things like cleaning up around the Tsartlip Reserve, taking walks with Elders from the community and, learning more about the Native Culture and Indigenous people, I will be partnered with Addie Elliott and Beangka Elliott. This is a…
Interested in having a workshop at your school or community group?
It’s that time of year again! Time to think about how to ensure school spaces are as awesome as they can be, and to gather with our peers to help make our communities safer and more consensual! … well… maybe it’s always time for the second one… A huge part of Project Respect is doing workshops…
Gender Neutral Washrooms – Flushed with Facts
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Welcome Summer Staff!
Project Respect has two new youth summer staff who will be working on the Food Justice Programming, including the summer camp, August 17-19! Stay tuned for their introductions and for more news about the Rooted in Respect Camp!