As we continue our knowledge mobilization for 2023-2024, we are thrilled to share the School District Policy Report.

When a trauma occurs in a person’s life, it is often held in the body, as Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk writes in his book, The Body Keeps the Score. Trauma actually rewires the brain that can causes constant states of stress or numbness, which lead to a host of different physical problems, such as…
Myth VS. Fact on Gender Neutral Washrooms
We are sad to share that Monica has passed away, but the legacy of her amazing work carries on and continues to make an impact on Project Respect.
Project Respect has two new youth summer staff who will be working on the Food Justice Programming, including the summer camp, August 17-19! Stay tuned for their introductions and for more news about the Rooted in Respect Camp!
Project Respect is partnering with Beangka Elliott and the Tsartlip community to initiate a youth led land restoration project that will focus on public spaces in Tsartlip. Together Beangka, Graham and myself will work on invasive species removal, garbage removal, native plant restoration, plant identification, plant propagation and native plant harvesting. We will also have the…
It’s true, men and women had and do have traditional roles in Indigenous cultures (if you have a problem with that, remember that the violent patriarchy was a construct of the colonizers). It is also true but not widely known, that before colonization, people who were queer and/or transgender were revered in most Indigenous cultures. There…