Respect banner
This banner was created for Project Respect, It’s so big that we can’t fit it on the wall in our office – but we can’t wait to bust it out in future!
This banner was created for Project Respect, It’s so big that we can’t fit it on the wall in our office – but we can’t wait to bust it out in future!
Project Respect brings together youth and adults to create awareness and dialogue about sexualized violence by encouraging critical thinking about root causes such as gender expectations and stereotypes, systems of power, and the ongoing colonization of the lands and systems we live in.
We are very excited to announce that we are offering our third Youth Social Action Camp, a two night sleepover conference at Camp Barnard. We are inviting youth to explore why sexualized violence and exclusion happens, identify issues that are relevant in their local communities and create youth-led social action projects to address these issues….
Rhizome is Project Respects youth-led social action camp. Find out more!
We’re all special in our own ways, and part of our specialties is people’s privilege. So essentially we’re all privileged in our own ways. I wish I could end it there, but we can’t, so let’s plow forwards through this wildness together. So what is privilege? Borrowing a (paraphrased) quote from a friend: “privilege is…
This painting was created by members of the Respect Revolution Campaign at Mt. Doug Secondary in 2006!
A pod is a concept developed by disability activist Mia Mingus as a part of creating a self-care community. A pod is a group of people who you can go to if violence, harm, or abuse has happened to you, if you caused harm, or if you have witnessed harm. A person can have multiple…
Summer is upon us, and that means that I’m out of the classroom and into summer programming mode! This year Project Respect is partnering with Project Reclaim for our summer programming. We’ll be posting more details about Project Reclaim soon, but for now I would just like to welcome Addie Elliott and Graham Olsen as our…