
True Story

By, Anonymous, age 17 This is a true story about something that happened to me and my friends when I was 14. I want to share it to help other people stay safe from this kind of situation. One Friday night, my girlfriends and I were sitting around wondering what to do, when the phone…


by Lissa I am aware I’ve been taught I now know what to do I will not be silenced or keep silent I will teach my learnings to others I know and have the faith that I I am able to make a change I will stand my ground I know that as long as…


by Ling Who is the girl crying in the rain? Why is she crying? Why is there confusion in her eyes? Oh…I know who she is. She is another me, The fragile, insecure me-a follower I’m shivering in the cruel reality Alien voices penetrating like needles Telling me what to do Imply, As long as…