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We are excited to share our final knowledge mobilization for 2023-2024. Starting out with our story.
The Story of…Project Respect – Youth Dating Violence (
Fall Youth Social Action Camp!
We are very excited to announce that we are offering our third Youth Social Action Camp, a two night sleepover conference at Camp Barnard. We are inviting youth to explore why sexualized violence and exclusion happens, identify issues that are relevant in their local communities and create youth-led social action projects to address these issues….
Black Youth Empowerment presents a Pro D-Day Workshop made by Black youth for school staff and service providers: Listening to Black Students & Creating Safer-Braver Spaces in Schools. Join us on Zoom to learn about the impact of race-based issues on Black Students and ways staff can intervene and create safer and braver spaces in…
Transformative Justice
What is Transformative Justice? Transformative justice is an approach where individuals, groups, and organizations can work through responses to conflicts, abuses, harms, and violence without using traditional systems, like the police or the court system. The thought around transformative justice is that when a harm or crime has been done, this has caused a violation…
Respect banner
This banner was created for Project Respect, It’s so big that we can’t fit it on the wall in our office – but we can’t wait to bust it out in future!
Project Respect’s Knowledge Mobilization 1.0
Project Respect is in their Knowledge Mobilization year and a lot has happened in the last six months from the amazing work with our School and Community Programs. A Knowledge Mobilization Launch will take place on September 11th- 22nd, 2023. During this time you can expect to see us sharing Youth Council’s Zine, BYE Table…